9E5 Premium Health Drink
Why is 9e5 the most powerful Immune System booster ???
9E5 Premium Health Drink is made with COMPLETELY NATURAL ingredients.And it's NOT A MEDICINE.

Cherry, Blackcurrant, Strawberry, Gojiberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Redcurrant, Cranberry, Blackberry, Amla, Elderberry, Noni
- Improves body's Immune System
- Controls your Blood Sugar level, Diabetes
- Helps to maintain healthy Blood Pressure
- Helps you to maintain normal Cholesterol level
- Lowers risk of Heart Attack
- Solves Arthritis problems
- Effective in Asthma & Respiratory problems
- Improves Eye sight
- Prevents Cancer
- Solves Thyroid problem
- Increases your Energy Level
- Helps you feel and look Younger, Anti-Aging
- Keeps your skin and hair healthy
- Improves your digestion
- Enhances your sex drive
- Prevents Gastric, Reflexes and Ulcers
- Prevents diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
- Helps for Sleep Disorder
- Prevents Urinary track infections
CHERRY : Contains low calories yet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Cherry contains Anthocyanins which reduce chronic painful gout arthritis, fibromyalgia (painful muscle condition) and sports injuries. Cherries are rich in Melatonin - a powerful anti oxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier easily and produce soothing effects on the brain neurons, calming down nervous system irritability which helps relieve neurosis, insomnia and headache conditions.
CRANBERRY : An excellent source of Vitamin C. Its infection fighting properties helps in Asthma & Urinary Tract Infection. It reduces Ulcer and prevents peptic Ulcers.
RED CURRANT : Low in fat and calories, Rich in Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium, & Magnesium, Red Currants help digestion, regulate bowel movements, and treats constipation. It helps regulate blood pressure and improves muscle cramps, weakness and irregular heart beat.
ELDERBERRY : Packed with strong anti-viral properties, Elder berries helps fight flu & cold, reduces phlegm, strengthens upper respiratory system & reduces inflammation. Elder Berries are useful in curing Mouth Ulcers, Tonsilitis and Sore Throats.
GOJI BERRY : Also known as Wolf Berry, the medicinal benefits of Goji Berry is unlimited. It is especially used in the treatment of Diabetes and improves the eye sight and the functioning of the brain. Goji Berries are an excellent source of immune system booster and helps relieve sleep dis-orders.
ACAI BERRY : Avery strong source of anthocyanins, Acai berry strengthens the functioning of the heart. It is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber and Omega 6 & Omega 9 fatty acids that help in lowering the cholesterol in the blood.
AMLA (Phyllanthus Emblica) : Also called the Indian Goose Berry, Amla has been extensively used in Ayurvedic formulations to strengthen all organs of the body and the immune system. Amla is very rich in Vitamin C.
NONI (Morinda Citrofolia) : Noni is said to be a powerful & virtual cure-all for respiratory conditions such as tuberculosis, influenza, asthma, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throat. It is also effective for digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastric ulcers and intestinal parasites.
STRAWBERRY : Very rich in Potassium and is said to helps in lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. Folate in Strawberries helps to produce red blood cells. Straw berries are a rich source of vitamin C and contains more than citrus fruits. This helps to fight off some forms of cancer and also lowers bad cholesterol. Strawberries are packed with B2, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper, and magnesium. They also contain omega fatty acids and essential fibers.
BLACKBERRY : Blackberries are known to be a powerhouse of Vitamin B, C & K apart from Lutein & Folate apart from minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, dietary fiber, proteins, Iron & Zinc.
RASPBERRY : Low in calories & saturated fats but are rich source of dietary fiber and anti-oxidants. Contains significantly high levels of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid (a tannin), quercetin, gallic acid, cyanidins, pelargonidins, catechins, kaempferol and salicylic acid. Xylitol, a low-calorie sugar substitute is also from Raspberries. Raspberries are also excellent source of vitamin-C, which helps body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation, and scavenge harmful free radicals.
BLACKCURRANT : Containing Tannin, Vitamin C, Potassium salts, & essential oil, the Black Currant is a good diuretic, Anti-sclerotic, Pectoral, Sudorific, Stomachic, Anti-diaretic, Anti- colitic, Anti-stringent, Hypotensive, and Anti-rheumatic effects favoring the elimination of uric acids. Black Currants are used to prevent cardiac insufficiency and vascular accidents; It increases resistance of fragile sanguine capillaries, reduces arterial hypertension and also intensifies weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause, cleans the blood of toxins, wastes and cholesterol. Black Currant is useful against rheumatism, arthritis and gout and stimulates digestion, functioning of the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. Because of its diuretic qualities, the plant is useful for people suffering from oliguria. Being Astringent, Black Currtant is useful against diarrhea and dysentery and against tiredness & overwork.
BLUE BERRY : Blue Berries are powerful anti-oxidants with anti-aging & anti-cancer properties. It has phenolic compounds that can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and bring on apoptosis (programmed cell death. Blueberries contain Ellagic Acid, which blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. Blue berries enhance dopamine levels, essential neurotransmitter that enables smooth, controlled movements as well as efficient memory, attention, and problem- solving function. Blue Berries are also known to prevent bacteria build up around the walls of urinary tract, improves eye sight, reduces inflammatory process in cell membrane. Blueberries are also known to relieve diarrhea and constipation.
ACAI BERRY : Avery strong source of anthocyanins, Acai berry strengthens the functioning of the heart. It is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber and Omega 6 & Omega 9 fatty acids that help in lowering the cholesterol in the blood.
"I am Prakash from Bangalore I am giving 9e5 to 3 Diabetic patient in one family from past 10 months , now all are too healthy and doctor said them to continue the same product, all 3 stopped their tablets before 3 months , now they are perfectly all right , when I saw them first time I as so shocked because their own family members said that they will die within 6 months of time , because the one lady she was bed ridden, 2 others were paralised , now all their relatives are surprised to see them alive and walking like the normal people . ya friends as I am a christian I believe and see 9e5 as a blood of Jesus Christ , as of now in my team more than 16 people came out of the major problems, including 2 German Shepherd cancer Dog's. Its really amazing."