Many people use lot of health products or medicines, but still struggling to get results.Purpose of this blog is to bring you 100% Natural & Result oriented products which saves your valuable money and solve your problem. (Visit to purchase)
Attention young India, take care of your Heart
A few decades ago the obvious cause for a broken heart in a young individual was romance and love. But with the epidemic of coronary artery disease (CAD) hitting India hard, the scenario is changing rapidly and with it, the meaning and cause of a ‘broken young heart’. CAD refers to disease of the coronary arteries. Coronary arteries carry blood and oxygen to the heart; therefore any disease which affects the coronary arteries deprives the heart of oxygen — the extreme form of this deprivation occurs during myocardial infarction (heart attack).
The precious asset of our nation is its young population; ironically, it is becoming the most vulnerable to CAD and myocardial infarction (MI).
Four people die of heart attack every minute in India and the age group is mainly between 30 and 50.
Twenty-five per cent of heart attack deaths occur in people less than 40.
Nine hundred people under 30 die due to heart disease in India every day.
Let us look at the most common causes being attributed to heart attack in young persons.
What begins as a fashion statement in college days later turns out to be an indispensable addiction. It is the single largest risk factor for a young individual developing MI.
Smokers not only develop MI earlier but are at a two-fold increased risk compared to non-smokers and at a four-fold-increased risk of sudden death due to MI. The corresponding risks are higher in smoking women.
Not only smoking, all forms of tobacco consumption are equally dangerous. Tobacco causes the blood vessels to be stiff and less elastic, increases the tendency for blood clot and blocks the flow in the coronary arteries. A common misconception is that people who smoke occasionally are not at risk. Once a person quits smoking, it will take three years for the body and heart to recover from the effects of tobacco, so you can imagine the consequences of the person continuing to smoke.
Lack of awareness
The rural and urban poor are more susceptible because they tend to ignore the disease due to poor access to health care, high cost of treatment, social stigma and illiteracy. Seeking treatment will also mean missing wages and reduced productivity.
The statistics in our country may represent only the tip of the iceberg. Because of poor reporting of cases and incomplete collection of statistical data, the actual figures for young Indians suffering from coronary artery disease may be much more than that reported in studies.
The numbers are not going to decrease and unless drastic steps are taken at collective and individual levels, the future will be bleak. The theme for this year’s world heart day was prevention of cardiovascular disease in the young and in women. Hope the theme served as a wake-up call for the government, NGOs, and medical and paramedical colleagues.
High cholesterol levels
While some cholesterol is necessary for good health, too much cholesterol is bad. Excess cholesterol deposits enter the inner lining of the coronary arteries gradually, building from tiny crystals into larger deposits making the arteries narrower and consequently blood supply to the heart gets obstructed leading to MI.
Though the total cholesterol levels are a predictor of heart disease, many Indians who develop MI have normal cholesterol levels. This is because even though their total cholesterol levels are normal, they have low levels of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and a very unique, dangerous type of bad cholesterol (LDL) which has a higher blood clot forming tendency.
Diabetes Mellitus
The rampant rise in the incidence of diabetes is a major factor in youngsters developing MI. Compared to non-diabetics, a diabetic with myocardial infarction develops a large MI (a larger portion of the heart is affected), has the risk of sudden cardiac death, responds poorly to treatment and has a higher risk of developing re-infarction.
Diabetics have an increased tendency to form blood clots (similar to smokers), have multiple blocks and may also have involvement of blood vessels supplying the brain and legs.
Changing food habits leading to increased salt consumption, stress and a sedentary lifestyle have all contributed to the rise of young hyper-tensives. Most of us grab snacks such as namkeens and samosasbetween meals when hungry… not only do they have a high salt content but they are also sources of trans-fat. People with high blood pressure are likely to develop CAD because high BP places an added force on the artery walls and over time, the extra pressure can damage the arteries. These injured arteries are most likely to become narrowed and hardened by fatty deposits.
We are in the grip of an obesity epidemic. Sadly, the divide between the overnourished and the malnourished is deepening in India. Obesity is a combination of poor physical activity, stress and an unhealthy food culture. With obesity comes the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Indian obesity is different. We may not be obese overall, but have abdominal obesity… excess fat deposit around the belly. Unfortunately, it is this belly fat, also called ‘apple type obesity,’ which is dangerous because all metabolic byproducts of visceral fat cells easily enter the liver and get stored as fat.
Unhealthy food habits
Junk food joints have become hang-outs for college students and young professionals. We are always under the impression that Indian food is healthy because Indians are largely vegetarians. However, the Indian vegetarian recipe calls for liberal use of milk, ghee, oil and decreased intake of fruits and vegetables, leading to a higher intake of refined carbohydrate, saturated fat and trans-fat.
Physical inactivity
Physical inactivity not only causes heart disease but also hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Physical inactivity starts from school as modern day teaching hardly stresses the importance of physical education.
Eighty per cent of our young population is physically inactive; the remaining 20% that frequents the gyms concentrates on muscle building rather than aerobic training.
Youngsters have to undertake aerobic physical activity for 30-60 minutes a day for at least five days a week.
Many studies reveal that the recent stress in personal or professional lives leads to MI. With most of the work happening from the desk and at unearthly working hours and due to poor sleep quality, young IT professionals and BPO employees have high stress and run the risk of developing heart diseases if they also possess any of the above mentioned risk factors. Management of stress is very often preached, but hardly practised and is difficult to implement.
Indians are genetically prone to heart disease. Even NRIs living abroad for many generations continue to have the risk because of their genes. Indians have relatively small coronary arteries, making them more vulnerable to the disease even with less severe atherosclerotic disease than our western counterparts. The gene, if any, that is responsible for CAD is yet to be decoded.
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![]() We are always surrounded by bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, fungus, pollution and parasites to enter into our body every second when we breathe in. They are very powerful that they can even dismantle our entire body. Look at a dead body - within a few weeks the entire body is decayed and destroyed. Don't panic. We have a attentive doctor inside our body who works 24 x 7 daily - An amazing natural protection mechanism called the IMMUNE SYSTEM. Have you ever seen your immune system working? You can notice it when it fails for some reason. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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TODAY'S LIVING CONDITIONS HARM US MORE Stress, Pollution, Radiation, poisonous Insecticide & Pesticides, Chemical Fertilizers and Medicines, Smoking, Alcohol, Lack of exercise, bad eating habits, junk foods, synthetic preservatives, colors and additives -These actually harm our body more than ever before.
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Modern medicines advocate that most diseases are caused by "germs" and that, in order to get well, we must kill these germs. So, we take drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery but these not only kills the germs but also the good cells in our body. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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An effective Immune-System booster, multi-nutritional, natural supplement is the need of our daily requirement-much like brushing ourteeth everyday!!! THAT IS ON & ON 9e5 PREMIUM HEALTH DRINK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Look at what ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is made up and you will know why | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() NONI (Morinda Citrofolia) : Noni is said to be a powerful & virtual cure-all for respiratory conditions such as tuberculosis, influenza, asthma, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throat. It is also effective for digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastric ulcers and intestinal parasites. STRAWBERRY : Very rich in Potassium and is said to helps in lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. Folate in Strawberries helps to produce red blood cells. Straw berries are a rich source of vitamin C and contains more than citrus fruits. This helps to fight off some forms of cancer and also lowers bad cholesterol. Strawberries are packed with B2, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper, and magnesium. They also contain omega fatty acids and essential fibers. BLACKBERRY : Blackberries are known to be a powerhouse of Vitamin B, C & K apart from Lutein & Folate apart from minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, dietary fiber, proteins, Iron & Zinc. RASPBERRY : Low in calories & saturated fats but are rich source of dietary fiber and anti-oxidants. Contains significantly high levels of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid (a tannin), quercetin, gallic acid, cyanidins, pelargonidins, catechins, kaempferol and salicylic acid. Xylitol, a low-calorie sugar substitute is also from Raspberries. Raspberries are also excellent source of vitamin-C, which helps body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation, and scavenge harmful free radicals. BLACKCURRANT : Containing Tannin, Vitamin C, Potassium salts, & essential oil, the Black Currant is a good diuretic, Anti-sclerotic, Pectoral, Sudorific, Stomachic, Anti-diaretic, Anti- colitic, Anti-stringent, Hypotensive, and Anti-rheumatic effects favoring the elimination of uric acids. Black Currants are used to prevent cardiac insufficiency and vascular accidents; It increases resistance of fragile sanguine capillaries, reduces arterial hypertension and also intensifies weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause, cleans the blood of toxins, wastes and cholesterol. Black Currant is useful against rheumatism, arthritis and gout and stimulates digestion, functioning of the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. Because of its diuretic qualities, the plant is useful for people suffering from oliguria. Being Astringent, Black Currtant is useful against diarrhea and dysentery and against tiredness & overwork. BLUE BERRY : Blue Berries are powerful anti-oxidants with anti-aging & anti-cancer properties. It has phenolic compounds that can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and bring on apoptosis (programmed cell death. Blueberries contain Ellagic Acid, which blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. Blue berries enhance dopamine levels, essential neurotransmitter that enables smooth, controlled movements as well as efficient memory, attention, and problem- solving function. Blue Berries are also known to prevent bacteria build up around the walls of urinary tract, improves eye sight, reduces inflammatory process in cell membrane. Blueberries are also known to relieve diarrhea and constipation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Brand:- On & On
Product Type:- Health Drink
Product Weight:- 1 Litre
Capacity:- 30 sachets/tube
Why it is not recommended for children?
The safety of sucralose is documented by one of the most extensive and thorough safety testing programs ever conducted on a new food additive. More than 100 studies conducted and evaluated over a 20-year period clearly demonstrate the safety of sucralose. Foods made with low-calorie sweeteners are not normally a recommended part of a child's diet, since calories are important to a growing child's body. Hence, considering the developmental requirements of growing Children and as recommended by the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India, we do not recommend 9E5 for Children.
What are its benefits for our health?
When association between changing lifestyle and increasing incidence of these disorders was studied in details the culprit was found be oxidative stress that is generated in the human body. Medicinal sciences have proved the role of oxidative stress in the development of lifestyle related disorders. Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of variety of disorders. Some important and common disorders that are related to oxidative stress are as follows: Heart diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, Alzheimer, Parkinson's disease, Digestive dysfunctions, AIDS etc. Oxidative stress is also associated with the process of aging. “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food” was advised by the father of medicine, Hippocrates, over two millennia ago. Herbal and natural products of folk medicine have been used for centuries in every culture throughout the world. Scientists and medical professionals have shown increased interest in this field as they recognize the true health benefits of these remedies. Plants have been used worldwide in traditional medicines for the treatment of diseases. It is estimated that even today approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of the world’s population rely only on medicinal plants as their primary source of medicines. Antioxidants rich 9E5 is the substances that can take of the free radical and manage the oxidative stress. Antioxidants can be defined as substances whose presence in relatively low concentrations significantly inhibits the rate of oxidation of the targets. 9E5is not a medicine and can be effectively used in management of oxidative stress and for maintenance of the day to day activities. 9E5 contains a unique blend of Super Berry Fruits [(Goji Berry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, red Currant, Elderberry, Acai berry), Amla, Noni & Aloe Vera] that are known for their healthy properties, which are known for their health-promoting properties due to their high content of anthocyanins, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides etc.
What are its side effect?
If pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to consult physician before taking this product. Less than 1% of population may be allergic to one or many ingredients present in 9E5. Some of the known experiences of such sensitivity are rash, itching, mild diarrhoea, or slight belching or trouble with breathing. Most of these symptoms are part of the body reaction to the sensitive ingredients or cleansing process of 9E5. It is recommended to skip a dose or two and consume lots of water. Most allergic symptoms disappear within 24 hours of discontinuing 9E5 and after the gap of 4 to 5 days, re enjoy the benefits of 9E5.
Why the benefits are not printed in the package?
9E5 is a food product and not a medicine. Having said that, antioxidants are helpful to manage oxidative stress and the benefits are broad spectrum and vary from person to person.
Why Caution is not printed?
Caution is printed on the Carton.
Drinking Suggestions:
Empty the entire content of one Sachet in a glassful of clean water or fruit juice (150-200 ml), stir and drink twice a day preferably before meals.
On & On Spirulina Life
On & On Spirulina Life - Capsules Description:
- Strengthens Immune System
- Reduces High cholesterol
- Regulate High blood Pressure
- Fights Anemia
- Fights Diabetes
- Fights Bad Bacteria & Virus
- Fights Arthritis & Rheumatism
- Effective Diet program by replacing 1 meal per day
- Anti Aging properties
- Perfect for Vegetaria
- Boost Energy

On & On Spirulina is Pure Veg
On & On Spirulina capsules are Pure Veg Capsules (and NOT Gelatin Capsules).
Most of us remain uninformed about the nature of ingredients that makes up the capsule. Many of us knowingly or unknowingly consume non-veg shiny shells derived from cows, pigs and other animals. On & On Spirulina is not only rich in its nutrient profile, but is also made with Pure Veg Capsules and is absolutely safe for consumption.
What is Spirulina
In today"s fast forward life, when often the major nutrients are lacking Spirulina is the simple solution for well being. Scientifically, Spirulina is simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis. Under a microscope, spirulina appears as long, thin, blue-green spiral threads.
Spirulina is a bliss to human being for various reasons and is found in many freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It thrives best under pesticide-free conditions with plenty of sunlight and moderate temperature levels. It is all natural way for overall wellbeing.
Spirulina - Why Superfood
Spirulina is often referred as world's healthiest food that can add years to your life. It is deemed the most nutritionally complete of all food supplements, containing a rich supply of many important nutrients, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A, K, and B complex. It also has a high supply of carotenoids such as beta carotene and yellow xanthophylls which have antioxidant properties. It is also rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Thus, spirulina has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and for preventing diseases.

- Beta Carotene Food : Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection. These natural carotenoids in algae & vegetables have the most antioxidant and anti-cancer power.
- Anti-aging Food : Spirulina is having concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots.
- Iron & Mineral Rich Food : Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.
- For Nerves & Tissues : Spirulina is the highest source of B-l 2, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
- Healthy Dieting with Spirulina : About 60% of spirulina's dry weight is protein, which is essential for growth and cell regeneration. It is a good replacement for fatty and cholesterol- rich meat and dairy products in one's diet. Every 10 grams of spirulina can supply up to 70% of the minimum daily requirements for iron, and about three to four times of minimum daily requirements for vitamins A (in the form of beta carotene), B complex, D,and K.
- Spirulina for immunity & nutrition : Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid or GLA, a compound found in breast milk that helps develop healthier babies. Moreover, with its high digestibility, spirulina has been proven to fight malnutrition in impoverished communities by helping the body absorb nutrients when it has lost its ability to absorb normal forms of food.
- Aiding Digestion& promoting bowel function : Spirulina stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus & bifidobacteria in your digestive tract to promote healthy digestion and proper bowel function. Research confirms Spirulina promotes digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection. Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and elimination and relieving constipation.
- Removing Toxins : It acts as a natural cleanser by eliminating mercury and other deadly toxins commonly ingested by the body. Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients - including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies.
- Spirulina for Athletes : Spirulina increases stamina and immunity levels in athletes, and its high protein content helps build muscle mass. At the same time, it can curb hunger that may develop during the most demanding training routines. Indirectly acts as an effective way to maintain an athlete's ideal body weight.
- The Disease Fighter : As well as beta carotene, Spirulina contains other nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium. These nutrients help fight free radicals, cell-damaging molecules absorbed by the body through pollution, poor diet, injury, or stress. By removing free radicals, the nutrients help the immune system fight cancer and cellular degeneration. In some findings, spirulina has helped reduce oral cancer tumors in laboratory rats, and may thus provide a big medical breakthrough in cancer treatment.
- Reducing high Cholesterol : Spirulina's ability to reduce the bad cholesterol LDL in the body helps prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, such as hardening of the arteries and strokes. It also helps lower blood pressure. While not clinically proven, spirulina may ...
ON & ON Spirulina

Supplement Facts (Serving Size : 1 Capsule)
Energy 1.74 KCal
Protein 0.28 g
Carbohydrates 0.16 g
Fats 0 g
Vitamin C 35 g
Spirulina Platensis 500 mg
Directions : Two capsules a day

On & On Spirulina Life
On & On Spirulina Life - Capsules Description:
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1.What is Spirulina? Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae that is part of the cyanobacteria family. It gets its name from its spiral shaped cells that contain a remarkable concentration protein, vitamins and minerals. Unlike many other algae that are difficult to digest, Spirulina has very thin cell walls making the nutrition contained very accessible for the human digestive system. Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant. It was discovered in South American and Africa in natural alkaline lakes. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source.
2.What does Spirulina contain? With over 100 nutrients, Spirulina is often described as the most complete food source in the world. The American National Aeronautical and Space Agency includes it in their astronauts diet and plans to grow Spirulina in it’s space station. It’s easy to see why. Japan has some good examples of some Japanese seniors who have only relied on Spirulina and water for more than 20 years showing how good is Spirulina for the human body.
3.Why choose Spirulina?
• Richest nutrient source Spirulina is the richest nutrient and complete food source found in the world. It contains over 100 nutrients, more than any other plant, grain or herb. Today Spirulina is widely used as a food supplement to maintain health, boost energy and reduce weight Spirulina contains 60-63 % protein, up to 13 % of essence minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Zinc as well as complete vitamin B groups and many important anti-oxidants (which protect cells). The anti-oxidant Phycocyanin can only be found in Spirulina. It is the richest natural source of Vitamin E and beta-carotene.
• Energy booster Spirulina being naturally green is beneficial to our health as it contains a large amount of the chlorophyll and Phycocyanin. Chlorophyll absorbs the energy from sunlight to create carbohydrates to boost your energy through the day.
• Vegetarians best nutrient supplement Vegetarians can not eat animal products and commonly lack Vitamin 12 (from the animal liver), Iron (from red meat or spinach) and Amino Acids. Spirulina is a natural organic product and vegetarians taking Spirulina daily will fill these gaps.
• Concentrated of protein and essential fatty acid Amino Acids are important to our body. They assist muscle growth, immunity, and the production of enzymes and hormones. Spirulina can provide more than 60~63 percent of protein including a complete source of 8 essential amino acids, plus 10 other non-essential amino acids, which are commonly lacking in vegetarian diets. Spirulina is also one of the few sources of food that contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in the linolenin, gamma linolenin acid(GLA). These fatty acids are essential in keeping a woman's body healthy.
• Weight reduction Although Spirulina can not directly reduce your weight, it contains the nutrients our bodies need and is quickly assimilated
• Adjust your body's PH value The ideal healthy human body's PH level should remain on low alkaline about PH 7.35~7.45. Modern day people indulge in too much acidic food like soft drinks, meat, cheese, eggs, and ham. These cause our body to become acidic ( PH< 7 ). Many medical research reports have proven that acidic bodies will have more chance of getting diseases or cancer. Regular use of Spirulina can help keep your body alkaline will help you reduce this risk and is the ideal food supplement for the weight reducer.
• Natural Nutrient source Most multi vitamin products are synthetic (artificial). No other products can provide natural nutrients and vitamins like Spirulina. Spirulina is a totally natural non synthetic product.
4.Who should take Spirulina? 1. Children who don’t like or get enough vegetables and or have an imbalanced food intake.
2. Teenagers during their rapid growing period need a sufficient injection of nutrients. Spirulina is ideal for this.
3. Seniors who have difficulty in having reasonable average 3 meals per day.
4. Sport lovers or athletics who need extra nutrients to keep their energy levels up.
5. Modern busy people who don't have the time to eat good meals.
6. Patients or people who need high volumes of nutrients to assist recovery (please consult your doctor)
7. Vegetarians who require extra nutrient sources
5.Who shouldn't take too much Spirulina? 1. People with hyperparathyroidism
2. People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.
3. Patients’ current experiencing high fever.
6.How much Spirulina should be taken? We suggest Two capsules a day for adults, If you have special requirements for extra nutrients, please consult your chemist or your health practitioner.
7.How should Spirulina be taken? 1. Take only with cold or warm water, (not juice, soft drinks, coffee or tea).
2. After taking Spirulina, avoid alcohol, soft drinks or coffee for 30 minutes as these drinks can destroy some of the Spirulina nutrients and enzymes.
3. Take at least an extra half litre of water a day
Recommend dosage for adults is Two capsules a day
8.What are the Spirulina side effects? Spirulina is a totally natural product and will not normally cause any problems to the body. Even if too much is taken, there will be no harm to the body, but doing this is a waste. However some people may experience some of the following symptoms after taking Spirulina;
1. Slight fever due to the body's need to burn the extra protein from Spirulina
2. Slight dizziness. If this occurs, take less of the product. If the symptom does not improve please stop taking Spirulina
3. Thirst and constipation. After taking a high volume of Spirulina we recommend at least an extra 1/2 litre of water per day to help our body absorb the Spirulina
4. Stomach ache
5. Skin itch or slight body rash
9.Spirulina: a food? Or a medicine? As we all know, some of our illnesses are caused by having insufficient nutrients in our body. These illnesses are just the symptoms to show us that we may be lacking in some nutrients. If we replenish these nutrients in time, the symptoms usually disappear. If not, we can lower the function of our immune system causing further problems. In most cases people will go to consult their doctor and may be prescribed some medicine. Spirulina is not a medicine, but when used as a good source of supplementary food, you can avoid nutrient deficiencies causing illness In most cases people will go to consult their doctor and may be prescribed some medicine. Spirulina can help you to have reasonable levels of nutrients in your body, which will in turn give you less of the chance to get sick.
10.Spirulina Vegetable protein vs animal protein Spirulina contains more than 60% vegetable protein, which is much higher than fish, pork, or beef (which contains about 15 ~20 %).Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to digest. Most modern people overindulge in animal protein, by eating fish, beef, pork etc. When too much animal protein is eaten, it is deposited in our body as fat. Too much fat will cause high cholesterol levels and may impact our heart and blood vessels. Vegetable protein is water soluble, and is much smaller than animal protein. If you eat too much vegetable protein, it is simply discharged by your system as waste and not stored as fat. Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to digest. Most modern people overindulge in animal protein, by eating fish, beef, pork etc. When too much animal protein is eaten, it is deposited in our body as fat. Too much fat will cause high cholesterol levels and may impact our heart and blood vessels. Vegetable protein is water soluble, and is much smaller than animal protein. If you eat too much vegetable protein, it is simply discharged by your system as waste and not stored as fat.
1.What is Spirulina? | Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae that is part of the cyanobacteria family. It gets its name from its spiral shaped cells that contain a remarkable concentration protein, vitamins and minerals. Unlike many other algae that are difficult to digest, Spirulina has very thin cell walls making the nutrition contained very accessible for the human digestive system. Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant. It was discovered in South American and Africa in natural alkaline lakes. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source. |
2.What does Spirulina contain? | With over 100 nutrients, Spirulina is often described as the most complete food source in the world. The American National Aeronautical and Space Agency includes it in their astronauts diet and plans to grow Spirulina in it’s space station. It’s easy to see why. Japan has some good examples of some Japanese seniors who have only relied on Spirulina and water for more than 20 years showing how good is Spirulina for the human body. |
3.Why choose Spirulina? | |
• Richest nutrient source | Spirulina is the richest nutrient and complete food source found in the world. It contains over 100 nutrients, more than any other plant, grain or herb. Today Spirulina is widely used as a food supplement to maintain health, boost energy and reduce weight Spirulina contains 60-63 % protein, up to 13 % of essence minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Zinc as well as complete vitamin B groups and many important anti-oxidants (which protect cells). The anti-oxidant Phycocyanin can only be found in Spirulina. It is the richest natural source of Vitamin E and beta-carotene. |
• Energy booster | Spirulina being naturally green is beneficial to our health as it contains a large amount of the chlorophyll and Phycocyanin. Chlorophyll absorbs the energy from sunlight to create carbohydrates to boost your energy through the day. |
• Vegetarians best nutrient supplement | Vegetarians can not eat animal products and commonly lack Vitamin 12 (from the animal liver), Iron (from red meat or spinach) and Amino Acids. Spirulina is a natural organic product and vegetarians taking Spirulina daily will fill these gaps. |
• Concentrated of protein and essential fatty acid | Amino Acids are important to our body. They assist muscle growth, immunity, and the production of enzymes and hormones. Spirulina can provide more than 60~63 percent of protein including a complete source of 8 essential amino acids, plus 10 other non-essential amino acids, which are commonly lacking in vegetarian diets. Spirulina is also one of the few sources of food that contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in the linolenin, gamma linolenin acid(GLA). These fatty acids are essential in keeping a woman's body healthy. |
• Weight reduction | Although Spirulina can not directly reduce your weight, it contains the nutrients our bodies need and is quickly assimilated |
• Adjust your body's PH value | The ideal healthy human body's PH level should remain on low alkaline about PH 7.35~7.45. Modern day people indulge in too much acidic food like soft drinks, meat, cheese, eggs, and ham. These cause our body to become acidic ( PH< 7 ). Many medical research reports have proven that acidic bodies will have more chance of getting diseases or cancer. Regular use of Spirulina can help keep your body alkaline will help you reduce this risk and is the ideal food supplement for the weight reducer. |
• Natural Nutrient source | Most multi vitamin products are synthetic (artificial). No other products can provide natural nutrients and vitamins like Spirulina. Spirulina is a totally natural non synthetic product. |
4.Who should take Spirulina? | 1. Children who don’t like or get enough vegetables and or have an imbalanced food intake. |
2. Teenagers during their rapid growing period need a sufficient injection of nutrients. Spirulina is ideal for this. | |
3. Seniors who have difficulty in having reasonable average 3 meals per day. | |
4. Sport lovers or athletics who need extra nutrients to keep their energy levels up. | |
5. Modern busy people who don't have the time to eat good meals. | |
6. Patients or people who need high volumes of nutrients to assist recovery (please consult your doctor) | |
7. Vegetarians who require extra nutrient sources | |
5.Who shouldn't take too much Spirulina? | 1. People with hyperparathyroidism |
2. People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed. | |
3. Patients’ current experiencing high fever. | |
6.How much Spirulina should be taken? | We suggest Two capsules a day for adults, If you have special requirements for extra nutrients, please consult your chemist or your health practitioner. |
7.How should Spirulina be taken? | 1. Take only with cold or warm water, (not juice, soft drinks, coffee or tea). |
2. After taking Spirulina, avoid alcohol, soft drinks or coffee for 30 minutes as these drinks can destroy some of the Spirulina nutrients and enzymes. | |
3. Take at least an extra half litre of water a day | |
Recommend dosage for adults is Two capsules a day | |
8.What are the Spirulina side effects? | Spirulina is a totally natural product and will not normally cause any problems to the body. Even if too much is taken, there will be no harm to the body, but doing this is a waste. However some people may experience some of the following symptoms after taking Spirulina; |
1. Slight fever due to the body's need to burn the extra protein from Spirulina | |
2. Slight dizziness. If this occurs, take less of the product. If the symptom does not improve please stop taking Spirulina | |
3. Thirst and constipation. After taking a high volume of Spirulina we recommend at least an extra 1/2 litre of water per day to help our body absorb the Spirulina | |
4. Stomach ache | |
5. Skin itch or slight body rash | |
9.Spirulina: a food? Or a medicine? | As we all know, some of our illnesses are caused by having insufficient nutrients in our body. These illnesses are just the symptoms to show us that we may be lacking in some nutrients. If we replenish these nutrients in time, the symptoms usually disappear. If not, we can lower the function of our immune system causing further problems. In most cases people will go to consult their doctor and may be prescribed some medicine. Spirulina is not a medicine, but when used as a good source of supplementary food, you can avoid nutrient deficiencies causing illness In most cases people will go to consult their doctor and may be prescribed some medicine. Spirulina can help you to have reasonable levels of nutrients in your body, which will in turn give you less of the chance to get sick. |
10.Spirulina Vegetable protein vs animal protein | Spirulina contains more than 60% vegetable protein, which is much higher than fish, pork, or beef (which contains about 15 ~20 %).Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to digest. Most modern people overindulge in animal protein, by eating fish, beef, pork etc. When too much animal protein is eaten, it is deposited in our body as fat. Too much fat will cause high cholesterol levels and may impact our heart and blood vessels. Vegetable protein is water soluble, and is much smaller than animal protein. If you eat too much vegetable protein, it is simply discharged by your system as waste and not stored as fat. Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to digest. Most modern people overindulge in animal protein, by eating fish, beef, pork etc. When too much animal protein is eaten, it is deposited in our body as fat. Too much fat will cause high cholesterol levels and may impact our heart and blood vessels. Vegetable protein is water soluble, and is much smaller than animal protein. If you eat too much vegetable protein, it is simply discharged by your system as waste and not stored as fat. |
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